Sunday, August 21, 2011

about me

Hi.  My name is Enna.  I have been living with pain for last 20 years.  Just when I think that I have conquered one kind of physical pain, another one shows up.  I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and an auto immune problem in 1991 at the age of 21.  At that time, it felt like my life was over.  But the warrior in me woke up and said that I will not let my pain stop me from making my dreams come true.  My family was ready to support me with any goal I set for myself.  With the help of my best friend, lot of pain meds and one very special guy, I graduated from dental school in 1997.

I took six months off to get off of my anti inflammatory and sleep medications.  I was ready to fly.  I was so sure that I already had lived thru my share of pain that I did not even see disability insurance as an urgency.  Then, one fine day in 1998, as I was driving on the highway, I ended up under an eighteen wheeler.  I do not have any memory of few days, so I do not know how that happened.  After many surgeries and even more physical therapy, I was ready to live my life with an understanding that pain will be my constant companion.  I opened my own dental practice, even had two beautiful girls.

Just as I was getting the hang of living with fibromyalgia and accident injuries pain,  I woke up one day with debilitating back pain.  I have had a very rough ride for last six years with my back pain.  I tried many things from acupuncture to epidural shots to back surgery.  With each new option, pain kept getting worse.  After the failure of back surgery, I was told that I have two options.  One, living with pain with narcotics and second, living with pain without narcotics.  I chose the second option so I can be there for my girls at least mentally.

I will not say that I have not gone thru some type of depression every time things got worse for me.  But at this point in my journey, I am trying to find reasons to be happy and grateful, everyday.  Instead of focusing on what I can not do anymore, I am trying to create a happy home for my family with my limitations.  Everyday, I consciously choose to dance in the rain of life.  Some days are harder than others.  Chronic pain is a mental battle along with the physical.  On bad days, I still have the desire to walk away from life but I try very hard to focus on the rainbows that life has presented me.

I know that many many people struggle with chronic pain.  Many people suffer with less support then I am lucky to have.  Pain takes us to very dark corners of our minds.  Somedays, light cannot even think of penetrating the dark clouds of our existence.  It is for those days, I want to reach out thru my words and share with you my struggles, and if I'm lucky maybe help you smile along the way.

Talk to you soon.



  1. Thank you Enna for sharing this heart wrenching post! You are an inspiration and an uplifting spirit! May God Bless you today and always!

  2. Thank you so much Carol Mae. I hope that you continue to enjoy my posts.
