Sunday, October 30, 2011

mystery of life......

I do not have very clear memories of my childhood.  I remember certain feelings and impressions.  But, one memory that has stayed with me is that one of my favorite things to do was to look into the horizon and wonder what was beyond it, not just in terms of stars and galaxies but the mystery of life itself.

I come from a family who believes that applied education is a must for survival.  Since my childhood, I was groomed to become a doctor.  My father believed that serving fellow human beings was equivalent to serving God.  This belief guided him through life.  Both of my parents have lived very selfless lives.  They happily sacrificed their personal needs and comforts for their children.

Their behavior made an impact on me in choosing my career.  I worked for it and achieved it.  But, there was always a part of me who needed the answers to the mystery of life.  There have been many times when I wanted to walk away from everyday life and truly search for the answers to my questions.  My parents version of serving God through people was not enough for me.  When I was sixteen, my mother told me that it is not safe for a girl to wonder around looking for something that may not even be discoverable.  She recommended that I can do my search from safety of my home.

I continued with my education and started to read on spirituality.  Rituals without logical explanation were hard for me to swallow.  More I read on spirituality, more I realized that no matter how enlightened the writer was he was trying to make sense of something that is  unlimited and incomprehensible by a limited mind.

If we choose to believe that the cause of our existence is the unlimited source of energy, which has no beginning and no end, then that makes us limitless also.  If this hypothesis is true then, why put limitations on our abundant potential by imprisoning our true self in this limited mind, body and ego complex?  Why  am I not able to free myself from these chains of physical pains of this body?  Why my mind is overwhelmed by everyday issues of financial and emotional dramas?  Why can my mind not be available to soar freely in uncharted beautiful territories of this universe?

Life is, still a mystery, but I am not willing to give up on solving it.  More to come on this favorite subject of mine.  I hope that you will join me on my adventure.


  1. Choice and Faith. The right to choose is never taken away from you. Faithbelieving what you cannot see. How often do you sit in a chair that you cannot see, but you sit anyway because you trust that it is there.

  2. Yes. I believe life is a never ending mystery, with always more to uncover and unravel. Guess that is why it makes so many of us interested in studying and trying to grasp the many complexities.
